Mod List

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These are all the mods available for APICO!

If you are a mod creator, you can submit your mod to be added to this page here Mod Submission.

Approved mods are mods available to download directly in-game that have been vetted by TNgineers. Unapproved mods need to be downloaded directly and added to your game files - see Mod Sideloading.


Mod List

Approved Mods

These are mods you can download directly in-game, and have been vetted by TNgineers.
For mod creators, if you want to submit your game to get approved you can use the Modloader.

Name Mod ID Description Author Page
Sample Mod sample_mod An example mod written by Ell to help modders get started ellraiser Link
Neptune neptune A fishing mod! PolarX Link
Uranium bee uranium_bee Channel the power of radiation to mutate and evolve more bees CookieRA Link
Hoppers hopper Adds Hoppers, machines that let you automatically move items to and from input and output slots in other menus! ellraiser Link
Cube Of Fate cube_of_fate An adaptation of the popular Minecraft mod, Lucky Blocks. ThatGravyBoat Link
The Fertilizer Bin composter_mod A simple mod that adds two new items - the composter and fertilizer. The composter can be crafted from basic wooden materials, and each seed packet you place into the composter has a 20% chance of turning into fertilizer. parchmentEngineer Link
Ultra Items ultra_item This mod adds iron ore and iron tools, you can make furnaces, rock crusher, and the iron workbench. You can use the furnace to turn logs into charcoal! With the charcoal you can make charred stone to make a rock crusher to get iron ore! Then you can use the furnace again to iron ingots and then turn the iron ingots into iron tools. RoboTiberius Link
Candy candy Adds the Candy Bench, which can produce Apicandy of various qualities. When you have all the inputs, hit the button to cook up some candy, and hit it again to stop. Get the line inside the green area for best results. Also adds a Candy Bee, which can make its own special candy! TartanLlama Link
Cottage Tea cottage_tea You can turn your extra flowers into teas. Once you sell them for rubees, you can purchase cottage items from Mushy to decorate your home. Mushykins Link
Barely Enough Items bei A list of all the items bCubed Link
Liquid Storage liquid_storage 3 New canisters and barrels Thertim Link
Fashion Stylist fashion_stylist Hair dye colors for the player! RaptorJesus2 Link
Ice Cream Shoppe icecream_shoppe Enjoy making your own ice cream! This mod introduces a new NPC, a new flower, 3 special toppings for making secret ice cream flavors, and an ice cream maker. To get started, simply chat up the new NPC! itscornflower Link
Storage Drawers storage_drawers Storage Drawers are capable of storing a nearly infinite* supply of a single item, turning your storage nightmare into an organized dream. trebitowski Link
Lily's Wardrobe lilys_wardrobe A Mod that adds sewing gameplay and clothing items. Start the "Style Savvy" quest to get started! PACHI_DEV [1]

Unapproved Mods

These are all the other mods available!
Being unapproved doesn't make them any less cool! See Mod Sideloading for installation steps.

Name Mod ID Description Author Download Link
DevmodePlus devmodeplus More advanced dev mode commands for mod creators coolbot200s Link
Beevee Mod beevee_mod A little (b)eevee that follows you around and returns to their loveball when placed in your inventory. Cornflower Link
Definitely a Bee definitely_a_bee A new 'bee', a little home that spawns on shallow water, a recipe for gloves that are used to 'open' the home and get the bee out. The bee produces boba and the boba can be used in the mod workbench to create a honey boba drink to sell. liathspeir Link
Hardcored bees hardcored_bees More bees and quests Topix Link

Work in Progress Mods

These are all mods that current modders are working on!
Keep your eyes on these diamonds in the rough!

Name Mod ID Description Author Github Link
Voice of the Bees votb Alternative technology through bee magic Enkidu -
Natura Bees natura_bees More bees! ThePebblemancer Link
Flora Mod flora New plants, an NPC, and potentially more bees ZooBot Link
Decor N' More decornmore Functional decor, knick-knacks, and furniture with an old timey feel. Kchem, Coolbot100s -
Farming Mod TBD The ability to farm crops utilizing bees and water! Using the crops produced you can then make dishes to sell for money. Kchem, Coolbot100s -
Magic Bees magic_bees Magic bees SpitefulFox Link
Incense Mod incense_mod A new item : incense powder; produced by a new bee : the praying bee and an incense burner that allows you to bless bees GLenPLonk Link
Candles Mod candles Candles, to be sold and provide pleasing aromas for your apiary pixelatinghambone, phantom903 -
BeeMO beemo 3 Machines to change bee genes, and a high-durability frame 3 Machines to change bee genes, and a high-durability frame Link