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"Used to keep an unlimited amount of any bee species."

The Beebank is a more advanced version of the Beebox, allowing the player to store an unlimited amount of bees for any species. Each species is kept under it's own tab within the menu.


Beekeeping Machine

Item Sprite

OID beebank

Buy 999 Rubees | Sell 0 Rubees

General Info

Functionally Beebanks work exactly the same as Beebox, the main difference being any bee can be added to the Beebank and it'll get grouped under a tab for that species first before being grouped into the seperate cards.

This means that technically you could store all of your bees inside just one Beebank, doing away with the need for having multiple different Beeboxes. 22 species of bees must have been discovered in order to buy it.

Menu Help

  • 1. Deposit Slot
  • 2. Stored Bees
  • 3. Withdrawal Slot


This item can be bought for 999 Rubees from Merchant.

This item can be sold for 0 Rubees.


  • The Beebank is the most expensive item in the game, selling for 999 Rubees
  • Blessed queens are currently turned into just normal queens, losing the blessing
  • There is currently no known limit to how many bees can be put into one beebank.
  • When putting the Glitched Bee in the Beebank, instead of getting added to the system the entire Beebank menu "glitches" and remains that way until the Glitched Bee is removed