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"Different species of Bees can be found in different areas, try having a look around for Bees flying around - eventually they'll head back to their hive."

Bubbles are a part of the game responsible for showing various statuses or issues with different objects or machines. They appear as small white speech bubbles above the thing they're showing a status for.

There are currently 16 different bubbles that can appear in the game.


Game Mechanics

Bubble List

These are all the tracks currently in the game, in the order listed in the OST:

Title Bubble Usage
File:Bubble01 Item.png Heart Appears rarely on bees when they interact with flowers or the player
File:Bubble02 Item.png Grump Appears on Grumpy beehives that haven't been calmed with a Smoker
File:Bubble03 Item.png Exclamation Appears on machines that have an "error", the error message will be listed under the open menu
File:Bubble04 Item.png Rain Appears when raining on beehives that contain bees that don't like the rain
File:Bubble05 Item.png Elipsis Appears on beehives that contain bees currently asleep
File:Bubble06 Item.png Cog Appears on clockwork machines when they have "power"
File:Bubble07 Item.png Resin Appears on the Infuser while it's working
File:Bubble08 Item.png Tap Appears on Tapped Trees while they are working
File:Bubble09 Item.png Tropic Appears on the Heater while it's working and has fuel (also shown on Blazing Bee hives)
File:Bubble10 Item.png Polar Appears on the Cooler while it's working and has fuel (also shown on Arctic Bee hives)
File:Bubble11 Item.png Snow Appears when snowing on beehives that contain bees that don't like the snow
File:Bubble12 Item.png Bee Appears on beehives when the queen has finished her cycle
File:Bubble13 Item.png Power Appears on honeycore machines when they are powered by enough beehives
File:Bubble14 Item.png Smoker Appears on the Smoker while it's working and has fuel (also shown on Empress Bee hives)
File:Bubble15 Item.png Butterfly Appears on flowers or other objects visited by butterflies when the player is holding a Butterfly Net
File:Bubble16 Item.png Bee Alt Appears on Bee Hotels or Habitats when a solitary bee is visiting