Scrapper Bee

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"These bees have a preference for old, dead wood; it is still common practice in the Archipelago to knock firewood against the house to warn any burrowed Scrapper bees to leave."

The Scrapper Bee is a Tier 1 Solitary Bee species found in the Forests.

It is the first solitary bee that requires two special items, meaning a larger Bee Hotel is needed for it.

Anthidium fragmen

Scrapper Bee

Normal SpriteBlessed Sprite

Special Produce


Scrapper have a Diurnal Behaviour and can only be found in the Forests.


Codey's Notes give the following hint:
"This forest species makes it's home in logpiles and kindling sticks."

Show discovery solution

The Scrapper Bee can be attracted to a Bee Hotel using , , and .
It has a 38% of spawning.

Special Produce

When a Scrapper Bee is selected in a Habitat and is given enough of the items it likes, they will leave when their visit finishes.


  • This is a very useful solitary bee to discover early as using it in a Habitat can net stocks of Wooden Planks.